The technology driven world expects the younger generation particularly the college students to be abundant with information, self-reliant and self-confident towards nation building. Students should possess good habits and character, which are the building blocks of excellence. In this perspective, the college years are considered very crucial. The role of college education is not only to impart skills of any subject in the course of development, but also to become competent, complete and strong individuals. Here is where the libraries play a very significant role. It is the library, which is considered as the second classroom for students as students can cultivate Morals of sanctity.
Library is :
- To provide a supportive and stimulating academic related environment for students and staff.
- To create an awareness among students about the importance of reading books and referring other resources.
- To encourage students to become independent learners and develop positive attitude for life-long learning.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop their skills for enrichment of their personal lives.
The College Library, the gateway to knowledge, has an extensive collection of Books and Periodicals to enrich and empower the knowledge of the users. Library follows Open Access System, books can be borrowed against their ID Cards.
In addition to the General Library, every Department has its own Library with a good collection of books, caters the needs of the Students and Faculty.
Our College Library Subscribes to N-LIST-National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content being jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium. N-LIST provides access to e-resources (e-journals & e-books) to Students, Researchers and Faculty of our college.
Digital Library Section of the General Library has sufficient systems to access e-resources, to support Research and other academic related activities.