Department of English

Research Supervisor

Faculty Name
1Dr.K.Thiyagarajan, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.,Associate Professor & Head

The Department has unfolded its wings to add feather to the cap in Research field is a part time basis.

Dr.K. Thiyagarajan, Associate Professor, Head & Dean (Shift-II) has initiated Research work in the Department of English. He received the approval as Research guide/Supervisor from University of Madras in the year 2015. Six Research Scholars are under his supervision. His field of specialization is English Language Teaching and Literature.

Dr.K. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor, Department of English, received the guideship in the year 2017. She is supervising one candidate under the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). She is specialized in ELT & Literature.