College Profile

Name of the College
Sir Theagaraya College
PlaceOld Washermenpet, Chennai - 600 021.
StateTamil Nadu, India.
Affiliating UniversityUniversity of Madras
Status of the CollegeNon-Autonomous
Financial CategoryGrant-in-Aid and Self-Financing
Type of CollegeCo-Education
No. of Departments Arts: 2
Science: 7
B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship)
B.Com. (Computer Application)
B.Com. (Accounting & Finance)
No. of ProgrammeUG: 15PG: 5Ph.D:5
Year of Establishment1950
UGC RecognitionUnder 2 (f) and 12 B
Location of the CollegeUrban
Area of the Campus5.5 Acres