
Categorized as Shift I


Students can help residents’ practice COVID-19 infection prevention protocols by providing individuals and businesses throughout the city with guides to standard prevention practices that use a consistent message. Having standard practices that every resident can identify, understand and apply, enhances security measures for reopening our cities and expands the opportunities to BEAT COVID

Tamil MaanavarMandram

The Department of Tamil has been consistently working on ‘Tamil MaanavarMandram’ (Tamil Literary Club) to motivate students to aspire for and acquire public speaking skills. It has provided the platform for them to imbibe the techniques of writing essays and poems, internalize powerful rendering of public oration and expression of other creative exhibition. The constructive… Continue reading Tamil MaanavarMandram

IQAC Committee Members

Categorized as IQAC

Coordinator Desk

As per the recommendation of the NAAC, the institution has set up the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in the year 2005. The college has a vision to ‘empower the deprived and the underprivileged’. The vision and mission of the college act as an engine that fuels and drives the role of IQAC. The IQAC… Continue reading Coordinator Desk

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Event Gallery

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IQAC Quality enhancement is a continuous and consistent process in an institution, and thus NAAC insisted every accredited institution to establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for the sustenance of quality education. The IQAC develops a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. Instead of just a… Continue reading IQAC

Categorized as IQAC

‘Madras Week’ Celebration

To emphasize the importance of regional history, from the year 2011, the P.G. and Research Department of Historical Studies has been celebrating “Madras Week” during the month of August every year in commemoration of the foundation of Fort St. George (22nd August, 1639). In this connection, various events are being organized such as Heritage Walk… Continue reading ‘Madras Week’ Celebration

Department of Tamil

Research Supervisors The age-old Tamil Department is efficiently doing its research activities for the past 10 years. Five research scholars were awarded Doctorate Degree.

Categorized as Research